




My forite spot is badminton.

Badminton is lots of fun and players with even a moderate amount of skill can jump right in and enjoy not only the social aspects of team play but also the fantastic health benefits of a great cardiovascular workout.

I play badminton . I think it is a great sport that makes you meet loads of new people and enjoy yourself at the same time!

My Fourite Sport

My fourite sport is basketball as it is very exciting. I like basketball because the N.B.A. stars play very well. Basketball is very cheap and it is a good sport for our health. We can grow taller if we play basketball often. Also it keeps me fit.

I play basketball three times a week. Most often I play it in my school. I often play it with my friends although I may play it myself. I feel very hy when I play basketball in school with my classmates. Sometimes I play basketball in the playground near my home.

Basketball is very easy to play. If you play basketball very well, you can form a basketball team to take part in the competition. If you win the basketball competition, you will he the prize. You may become a famous basketball star.





In the Olympic Games, athletes from all over the world compete in various kind of sport events.

(俺不是英文MBA的, 哈哈)


I like all the athletics events.


A Actually, when I think about it, I like all the athletics events.

A 事实上,当我想到奥运会的时候,我喜欢所有的田径项目。

B You mean, things like the races – the 100 metres and so on?

B 你是说,像赛跑——100米赛跑之类的项目?

A Yes, and the 200 metres, the 400 metres, the 800 metres and the relay races. I also like the longer distance races – the fif hundred metres and the five and ten thousand metres.

A 是的,还有200米,400米,800米和接力赛跑。我还喜欢更长距离的赛跑——一千五百米、五千米和一万米赛跑。

B Yes, all the races are really exciting. What about the other athletics events?

B 是的,所有的赛跑都非常激烈。其他的田径项目怎么样?

A I like them all! I especially love the long jump and the high jump.

A 我都喜欢!我尤其喜欢跳远和跳高。

B Me too. I also like the hurdles.

B 我也是。我还喜欢跨栏赛跑。

Notes 注释

1 In the Olympics, the races he different names according to their distances, e.g. the one hundred metres / the one hundred metres ; the four hundred metres / the four hundred metres. Above 800 metres, you can describe the races as long distance races / long distance races, e.g. the five thousand metres / the five thousand metres.

在奥运会比赛中,赛跑按照距离长短的不同有不同的名称,例如:one hundred metres / 一百米赛跑 ; the four hundred metres /四百米赛跑。 八百米以上的赛跑可以称作 long distance races /长跑, 例如 the five thousand metres /五千米赛跑。

2 Other athletics events are the long jump / the long jump and the high jump / the high jump.

其他的田径项目有long jump /跳远和high jump /跳高。

3 Remember if you like something a lot, you can use the more emphatic verb I love . . . / I love . . . e.g. I love the athletics events / I love the athletics events.

记住如果你非常喜欢某事,你可以用更具强调性的动词I love . . . /我爱. . .例如I love the athletics events /我爱田径项目。

Key phrases and sentences

Actually, when I think about it, I like all the athletics events.

You mean, things like the races – the 100 metres and so on?

Yes, and the 200 metres, the 400

metres, the 800 metres and the relay races.

I also like the longer distance races – the fif hundred metres and the five and ten thousand metres.

Yes, all the races are really exciting.

What about the other athletics events?

I like them all!

I especially love the long jump and the high jump.

Me too. I also like the hurdles.

















7、单板滑雪:女子Parallel Giant 回转、男子Parallel Giant 回转、女子U型场地、男子U型场地、女子障碍争先赛、男子障碍争先赛。

8、冬季两项:女子 4x6公里接力、男子 4x7.5公里接力、女子 12.5公里集体出发、男子 15公里集体出发、女子 15公里个人赛、男子 20公里个人赛、女子 10公里追逐赛、男子 12.5公里追逐赛、女子 7.5公里短距离、男子 10公里短距离。


10、越野滑雪:女子 30 km, 集体出发 传统技术、男子 50 km, 集体出发 传统技术、女子 4x5公里接力 传统技术/自由技术、男子 4x10公里接力 传统技术/自由技术、女子 团体竞速赛自由技术、男子 团体竞速赛自由技术、女子 15公里追逐赛 (7.5 传统技术+7.5 自由技术)、男子 30公里追逐赛 (15 传统技术+15 自由技术)、 女子 个人竞速赛、男子 个人竞速赛、女子 10公里自由技术、男子 15公里自由技术。

11、北欧两项:男子单人大台/10 km CC、男子单人普通台/10 km CC、男子团体/4x5 km CC。

12、高山滑雪:女子 回转、男子 回转、女子 Giant 回转、男子 Giant 回转、女子 超级大回转、男子 超级大回转、女子 全能、男子 全能、女子 速降、男子 速降。

13、雪橇:双人座、女子 单人座、男子 单人座。




奥运口号Olympic Motto

“Citius. Altius. Fortius.” Often translated as “Swifter, Higher, Stronger,” the Olympic motto expresses the message which the IOC addresses to all who belong to the Olympic Movement, inviting them to excel in accordance with the Olympic spirit. (see Olympic Charter Rule 14)


奥运火炬Olympic Torch

Olympic torches are used, together with miners lamps, for transporting the Olympic Flame from Olympia (Greece) to the Host City, up to the Olympic stadium. (See Olympic Charter Rule 18)


奥林匹克运动Olympic Movement

The movement, led by the IOC, encompassing those organisations, athletes and other persons who agree to be guided by the Olympic Charter, the goal of which is to contribute to building a peaceful and better world by educating youth through sport practiced without discrimination of any kind and in the Olympic spirit, which requires mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play.

奥运会火炬传递口号:“点燃、传递梦想”--Light the Passion Share the Dream

Olympic Summer Sports

The IOC recognised sports that participate in the summer Olympic Games.

射箭 Archery

田径 Athletics

羽毛球 Badminton

棒球 Baseball

篮球 Basketball

拳击 Boxing

皮划艇 Canoe/Kayak

自行车 Cycling

马术 Equestrian

击剑 Fencing

足球 Football

体操 Gymnastics

手球 Handball

壁球 Hockey

柔道 Judo

现代五项 Modern Pentathlon

赛艇 Rowing

帆船 Sailing

射击 Shooting

垒球 Softball

乒乓球 Table Tennis

跆拳道 Taekwondo


铁人三项 Triathlon

排球 Volleyball (sport)

举重 Weightlifting

摔跤 Wrestling